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Alphalist Of Employees/Payees: Extended!

Alphalist Of Employees/Payees: Extended! (RMC No. 16-2024)

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has recently issued Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 16-2024 which extends the deadline of submission of the Alphabetical List of Employees/Payees From Whom Taxes Were Withheld. The deadline of submission of alphalist for the for the taxable year (TY) 2023 using the new version of the Alphalist Data Entry and Validation Module is EXTENDED UP to FEBRUARY 28, 2024.

Reminders from the BIR:

  • RMC Nos. 139-2020, 34-2022 and 160-2022 were respectively issued to update BIR Form Nos. 2316 and the schedule on the Alphabetical List of Employees/Payees from Whom Taxes Were Withheld (alphalist) under BIR Form No. 1604C, and
  • For taxpayers-employers who have employees availing the 5% tax credit under the PERA Act of 2008 and have not yet submitted their alphalist report for TY2022, the deadline shall be 30 days immediately after the date of posting of a tax advisory announcing the availability of a separate revised data entry module.

A separate tax advisory shall be posted informing us of the availability of the updated version of the Alphalist Data Entry and Validation Module.

Kindly take note of this advisory for your compliance.

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