How we work? Interested in cooperation?
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We advocate the development of the youth not just in a school setting but through on-the-job training. Alas Oplas & Co., CPAs’ internship program offers a variety of challenging opportunities from Audit, Taxation, Accounting Outsource, Offshore engagements, Business Set Up and Payroll Outsourcing that will hone their skills useful for future employment.
We offer promising professionals the opportunity to grow with us. Their passion for learning, passion for work and our vision to be the leading provider of assurance and consulting services to growing local and international businesses are a great combination.
If you have good academic records, technical experience, leadership potential and the passion to uphold the standard of accounting and auditing profession, the Firm is looking for you.
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We guarantee career opportunity by actively developing our people for Partner position through the following:
We offer competitive compensation packages and variable incentive compensation based on:
The welfare of our people is of utmost importance that is why we offer comprehensive health and life insurance to all our regular employees.
For our key people, we provide benefit package that suits their needs and preferences.
We continuously promote an environment of belongingness, growth , work-life balance and stability to our people, our most valued resource.
Working with Alas Oplas helps me build my foundation in the accounting field as a fresh graduate. Having a company that looks for employee welfare is a good experience. I can work at my own pace because of flexible time. Aside from that having work-free or a team-building event sponsored by AOC is also a great experience for me.
I have heard one of the best speech or talk regarding investments from Sir Alas himself. I learn to allocate my energy and resources on myself first so that I can be more for others rather than giving pieces of myself to everyone. I admire how down-to-earth they are given their success and how they keep moving forward despite all the challenges that they have been through. I hope to grow along with them as the year goes by.