Business Set Up and Compliance Team’s Christmas Bash: A Day of Games and Laughter
Business Set Up and Compliance Team's Christmas Bash: A Day of Games and Laughter
Last December 19, 2023, Business Set Up and Compliance (BSU) team organized a delightful and enjoyable Christmas gathering at their office premises. The atmosphere was exuberant, and the entire place was lit with a festive spirit.
The gathering was buzzing with excitement as everyone eagerly participated in the various games that were organized for the occasion. The games included Pass the Motion, where players had to toss a ball around without using their hands; Planting Straw with a Twist, where players were blindfolded and had to plant straws in a cup of water; and Charades, where players had to act out a word or phrase without speaking. The BSU team members were divided into teams and competed with each other, cheering and laughing all the while. The games were a great ice-breaker; everyone bonded over the shared experience.
The team members had put in much effort to ensure that every detail was taken care of, from the games to the food and drinks. The event was a resounding success, and everyone had a great time socializing and connecting with each other. It was a perfect way to wrap up the year and celebrate the holiday season together.