A Festive Feast and Fun: Alas Oplas & Co., CPAs Ortigas Branch’s Staff House Gathering
A Festive Feast and Fun: Alas Oplas & Co., CPAs Ortigas Branch's Staff House Gathering
On December 17, 2023, the Ortigas Branch of AOC held a joyous gathering at the Ortigas Team’s Staff house. The occasion was attended by esteemed members of the company, including Managing Partner Ryan A. Sabug and Branch Directors Kim Adrian E. Cruz and Lilibeth S. Yasay. The event was marked by a festive feast or “salo-salo” and featured various engaging games and activities that fostered a sense of harmony and companionship among the attendees.
The gathering provided an excellent opportunity for the team to celebrate their hard work and achievements throughout the year while also allowing them to unwind and enjoy each other’s company. The AOC Ortigas Branch eagerly anticipates future opportunities for team bonding and social gatherings. Such occasions allow team members to connect, build relationships, and collaborate more effectively, whether it’s a casual lunch or a more formal event.
By fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support, these gatherings help create a positive workplace culture and contribute to the team’s overall success.